These little quiches are fun, migraine-friendly, and easy to make. In my mini quiche creation I used organic turkey bacon without nitrates or nitrites (important for the migrainuer), spinach, shallots instead of onions (a substitution must for the migrainuer), and green chiles. The ingredient combinations could really be endless. I thought about adding cheese (American for the migrainuer) but decided they really didn't need it. I was right. Other possibilities would have been bell peppers in lieu of the green chiles. They could also be made veggie only. Like I said the possibilities are endless!
To make 9 mini quiches I started with:
3 slices organic turkey bacon (migrainuers can't have nitrates or nitrites)
1 shallot chopped (shallots replace onions for the migrainuer)
1 cup chopped spinach
1/4 cup diced green chiles
10 eggs
My MISTO filled with olive oil to grease the muffin tin (I will explain the MISTO later if you are unfamiliar)
I preheated the oven to 350 degrees.
I cut the 3 bacon slices into little pieces.
I diced up the shallot.
I chopped up a cup of spinach.
To make 9 mini quiches I started with:
3 slices organic turkey bacon (migrainuers can't have nitrates or nitrites)
1 shallot chopped (shallots replace onions for the migrainuer)
1 cup chopped spinach
1/4 cup diced green chiles
10 eggs
My MISTO filled with olive oil to grease the muffin tin (I will explain the MISTO later if you are unfamiliar)
I preheated the oven to 350 degrees.
I cut the 3 bacon slices into little pieces.
I diced up the shallot.
I chopped up a cup of spinach.

In a skillet I cooked the 3 slices of cut bacon on medium heat for 5 minutes.

I added in the shallot and onion and cooked for another 5 minutes and then removed from heat.

In a mixing bowl I combined 2 whole eggs with 8 egg whites (the 10 eggs).

I whisked them together with a 1/4 teaspoon of pepper.

I then got out my MISTO.
If you are unfamiliar with the MISTO, it is a little self-pumped mister that I personally have filled with olive oil (it can be filled with the oil of your choice). I pump the lid multiple times and then spray olive oil on whatever I like. I like to use it to coat veggies before I put them on the grill or use it to mist over popcorn (when air-popped).
In this case, I like to spray it on the muffin tin so that the eggs won't stick to the pan.

After MISTOing the pan, I filled it with the bacon, shallot, and spinach mixture.

I then topped it with the chopped green chiles.

I poured the egg mixture into the muffin tin.
I put them in the oven on 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

Here is what they looked like when they came out of the oven.
I let them cool for about 5-10 minutes and then they popped right out of the muffin tin without problems!