Ingredients of concern: natural flavor, calcium disodium EDTA, lemon juice, and dried onions.
Natural flavor is an ingredient that food companies can put on a label and neglect to disclose the chemicals that are used to create the flavor. The flavor can be the result of combining hundreds of unique chemicals. As a migrainuer I like to know exactly what chemicals I am ingesting. These flavors can be made through several methods including drying, roasting, or fermenting. Remember glutamate (MSG) occurs naturally in many foods. These flavorings come from natural sources, but are highly processed taking "natural" to a whole new meaning.
Calcium Disodium EDTA is made from ethylenediamine, formaldehyde (a known carcinogen), and sodium cyanide (cyanide should make us all question this ingredient). EDTA is used to treat heavy metal (lead) poisoning because it binds many metals and causes your body to expel them. A side effect of chelation therapy (heavy metal removal) with EDTA is malabsorption or low levels of vitamin C and various B vitamins. Migrainuers are commonly low in B vitamins and Magnesium.
lemon juice and onion are of concern for me because they are on my elimination list.
So, here is a recipe for Migraine-free Mayo that I can use to dress up salads and sandwiches:
2 egg yolks
1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard (mine had horseradish)
1 1/2 cups canola oil

I combine the egg yolks, vinegar, and mustard in a food processor.
I could use a whisk...but, I am lazy.

Gradually I add in the oil a little at a time until it is the thickness you I desire.
Then I add in a little salt.
It's just that simple.

Here is my "left-over salad" using my Mayo with a little ground black pepper as a dressing!
I used last night's grilled chicken and sautéed green beans with spinach and red bell peppers. I topped it with the Mayo, ground black pepper, and pumpkin seeds and served myself lunch.